Others ingredients
In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the kneading hook, pour the eggs, powdered sugar, orange blossom water, rum and milk. Pour the flour on top and then the baker's yeast. Run the kneader for 8 minutes at medium speed.
While continuing to knead, add the soft butter cut into small pieces. You should obtain a soft and elastic dough (about 15 minutes of kneading).
Let this dough rest in a bowl covered with a clean cloth until it doubles in volume.
At the end of the rising time, remove the air from the dough then, on a floured work surface, form a uniform sausage.
Butter a crown mould, place the dough in the mould, cover with a cloth. Let the dough rise for 45 minutes.
Preheat the oven to th. 6 (180°C). When the dough is risen, brush it with egg yolk and bake for 30 minutes. Coat the crown with cane sugar syrup, decorate with calissons and sugar.