Others ingredients
Others ingredients
Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.
Séparer les blancs des jaunes. Prendre les blancs d’oeuf, ajouter une pincée de sel, puis les monter en neige pour qu’ils soient bien fermes. Mettre de côté.
Separate the whites from the yolks. Take the egg whites, add a pinch of salt, then beat them until stiff. Put aside.
On a baking sheet, place a baking sheet and spread the preparation. Sprinkle it with chopped hazelnuts. Make sure you put it all over the cookie. Place in the oven for 11 minutes.
Meanwhile, moisten a clean tea towel. Place the damp cloth on a table and put a new sheet of baking paper on it.
At the end of cooking, turn the biscuit over on this new sheet. Keep the old one on the preparation. Wrap the biscuit with the tea towel then put in the refrigerator.
Put the milk and cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Separate the whites and the yolks. Keep three egg whites, reserve them in the refrigerator for the meringue. Take a salad bowl, pour the yolks and sugar. Blanch with a whisk. Then add the milk-cream mixture to the mixture. Mix well.
Heat the preparation in a saucepan over low heat, stirring regularly for 8 minutes.
Pour the mixture into a bowl, add the pot of lemon curd and stir. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
After 30 minutes, transfer the preparation into the ice cream maker and churn for 40 minutes. (Option without ice cream maker: Put in the freezer and stir from time to time to obtain an ice cream consistency).
Once the desired consistency, take the log mold and fill ¾ with ice cream.
Take the rolled cookie out of the refrigerator. Unroll it and cut a strip the size of the mold. Reserve this part to make the base of the omelet.
Spread ½ pot of lemon curd over the rest of the rolled cookie and cut to size of the log. Place the rolled cookie inside the mold in ice cream. Take the cookie strip set aside and lay it on top. Put the log in the freezer for at least 12 hours.
Prepare the meringue (10 minutes before serving the log). Take the three egg whites and beat the whites until stiff. Once whisked into snow, add the sugar and icing sugar as you go, while continuing to beat. Be careful to obtain a creamy consistency.
Take the omelette out of the freezer. Unmold it on a rectangular dish without a border and cover with the meringue, so as to have a layer at least 1 cm thick. Pass through a blowtorch to brown the meringue.