Others ingredients
Finely mix the pistachios. Add the Brémond house pistachio supreme, as well as the almond powder, cornstarch, vanilla and baking powder. To mix together.
Beat the egg whites and preheat the oven Th 6 (180 °).
Pour the remaining sugar into a saucepan, cover with 10 cl of water and heat, while stirring, until a syrup forms.
Whisk the egg yolks, adding the syrup little by little, until the mixture is warm. Add the butter and mix.
Grease a cake tin and fill it halfway with the machine. Then add the currants and cover with the rest of the preparation.
Put in the oven and roughly crush the 30 g of pistachios.
Let cool and scatter the crushed pistachios and almonds.
For the more greedy, we brush our part with the Supreme pistachio. treat yourself !